WEB Developer Computer Job, Roles and responsibilities

In the current economic climate, businesses who have not previously felt the need to get themselves an online presence via web developement have suffered and in some cases gone bust. The benefit of companies having an online offering is that it provides them with an ever present shop front which can be changed quickly to react to trends and economic conditions. 
In the past, web developement jobs used to be a pursuit of the technically savvy however the sheer amount of resources available mean that it is possible for anyone to pick up the basics of web development jobs. Whether you are browsing a book shop or performing an online search you should have no trouble finding means of learning the basics of development languages such as PHP or .net.

 The role of a web developer or a web development job is to assess and rescript a theme that has been created by the web designer. Designing a website is not a matter of laying out words and pictures in a desktop publishing package. 
The design must be thoughtfully put together and then translated by the web developer into such a form that it can be properly promoted. There are many prominent programming languages that you could learn such as HTML, CSS, PHP, actionscript, PERL, etc however for more complex websites you should really enlist the services of a professional web developer  as they will be able to carry out the task much quick and cost effectively.  
When it comes to the actual promotion of your website there are a number of ways in which you can go about doing this, however if you make sure that your website provides interesting content that people will naturally want to read then this is half the battle as this is the sort of information that people will happily share among their friends and colleagues.