UI and Graphic Designer IT job in OrisysIndia-Technopark, Trivandrum

UI and Graphic Designer IT job in OrisysIndia -Technopark, Trivandrum- description

The preferred candidates for the post of UI and Graphic Designer IT job in OrisysIndia-Technopark, Trivandrum should be able to work with Front end including logo design for an eCommerce retailer
Must have experience doing eCommerce UIX and knowledge of industry best practices.

skills for UI and Graphic Designer IT job in OrisysIndia-Technopark, Trivandrum

The preferred candidates for the post of UI and Graphic Designer IT job in OrisysIndia-Technopark, Trivandrum should have Min 5+ years of experience, Must be very creative and passionate about building a great user experience for thousands of customers world wide. Basic knowledge of social media marketing is preferred. Photoshop, CSS, Dream viewer competency is essential.

Company details for UI and Graphic Designer IT job in OrisysIndia-Technopark, Trivandrum

OrisysIndia constantly redefine the work culture to raise the standards and to ensure the delivery of products on time. We have a dedicated R&D division where futuristic solutions are under incubation.Founded in 2008, OrisysIndia Consultancy Services LLP is a global IT consultancy services focused on providing high-quality, high-value solutions to clients in large, medium and small segments. The company operates through various segments.

T-BIC -3, Basement 2, Thejaswani Building, Technopark
Technopark Campus
Phone: +91-471-4011723, +91-80868 00204, +91-80868 00203
Email: contact@orisys.in
Website: www.orisys.in

Tags-OrisysIndia, Graphic designer, web designer jobs, it jobs in trivandrum, Trivandrum jobs, latest jobs in technopark, Technopark Jobs,